Our Authors


Stewart Lamb Cromar

Guest Post

Stewart Lamb Cromar is the Interactive Content Manager at the University of Edinburgh. He manages e-learning development projects in collaboration with internal and external academic and clinical staff in support of effective and engaging student learning and training. Work by Stewart Lamb Cromar forms part of the Awesome Bricks LEGO® exhibition at the National Museum of Flight, East Fortune Airfield.

Molly Lambourne

Curatorial Volunteer, Art and Design Department

Emmanuelle Largeteau

Emmanuelle was previously Assistant Paper Conservator at National Museums Scotland.

Rich Latimer

Guest blogger

Rich Latimer works for Bike Track People.

Sarah Laurenson

Curator of Modern and Contemporary History

John Lauzon

John Lauzon


John is working with the Science and Technology Department as a placement for his MSc in Science Communication at the University of Edinburgh.

Roger Law

Guest blogger


Eilidh Lawrence

Eilidh Lawrence

Guest blogger

Eilidh is Curatorial Trainee (Learning and Access) at the Museum of the University of St Andrews (MUSA)

Marion Lawton

Administrator, National Museum of Rural Life

Antonia Lenz

Antonia Lenz

Volunteer, National Museum of Rural Life

Colin Leonard

Colin Leonard

Visitor Services Assistant, National Museum of Rural Life

David Lightbody

Guest blogger

David Lightbody is an archaeologist and engineer at University of Glasgow

Bill Lloyd

Guest blogger

Bill Lloyd is the nephew of George Lloyd, a member of the HMS Trinidad crew whose story helped inspired our Arctic Convoys exhibition at the National War Museum.

Martha Lloyd-Morgan

Student intern with the Art and Design department

Mike Loftus

Mike was previously Assistant Aircraft & Technology Conservator at the National Museum of Flight.

Ralph Lorenz

Guest blogger

Yuting Lou

Partnerships Intern

Robert Low

Guest blogger

Robert Low is a member of Glasgow Vikings.

Barbara Lyon

Barbara Lyon

Barbara was previously Marketing and Communications Assistant at National Museums Scotland.