In February, Primary 4a from St David’s R.C. Primary School in Edinburgh had the pleasure of visiting the National Museum of Scotland to see the new ancient Egypt gallery.
We experienced first class treatment whilst we were at the museum, interacting with Enablers, dressing up in the kids areas and taking part in the exciting Egyptian treasure hunt!
As we had learned all about the ancient Egyptians in class last year, we were excited to explore and test our previous knowledge whilst interacting with various artefacts and exploring interactive games.
The minute we got back to school we shared all the amazing facts we’d learned with other classes. The team at the museum filmed our visit so we’re very lucky to have the video to remind us of our great time at the National Museum of Scotland. We can’t wait to come back with our families and show them all the artefacts we discovered as a class!
Watch the video of our visit below then read what some of the pupils had to say about their day at the museum.
Here are a few words from the class:
“We loved it! We had lots and lots of fun! We were VIPs!” “Legendary” – Teenaidy
“I think we had lots of fun because we had loads to do and there wasn’t anything boring! There was lots to do but it wouldn’t have been the same without the helpers at the museum!” – Amber
“My favourite part about the museum was when we got to test if we were strong enough to lift our own weight on a chair! I loved the hot air balloons ” – Oscar

“It was extraordinary because I seen tons and tons of fish and invertebrates. Also I’ve never been into two of the sections that were added in. They were incredibly interesting. I was very curious! I loved it.” – Jeremiasz
“We learned things that we never knew and I was in the museum so many times but it was better than any other time!” – Julia Kru
“We were exploring the area where there are lots of fossils. There was lots and lots of different animals to see. There was even a scale that tells you how heavy you are as an animal” – Wiktor

“I liked it because we got to see new places in the museum and we got to see ancient stuff. Also we got to be VIPs and eat fruit!” – Fatima
“It was really cool because we got to go to different floors and explore different items from the past. It was really cool because I really liked the Egyptian part and where you had to pedal. It was so cool” – Daniel

“I really liked the basement part where it was like a maze. In the maze you could see lots of different things. There was something like a gold circle and it had a stick and it was a golden stick that had some blue things in the middle. It was like we were in the past! We saw a Viking skeleton he had a really big grave and he had some tiny bones!” – Marcel
“I think it was super fun going to the museum testing out new things and finding most things that we didn’t know about. Also the nice people who work at the museum told us things we didn’t know. I think my favourite part was that the whole class had so much fun including me!” – Lena
“I really like it because there was an electricity volt ball (plasma ball) where you put your hand and it shone electricity at your hand” – Milosz