Exploring our evidence | National Museums Scotland Blog

Exploring our evidence

My role is to design an exciting new programme of workshops and resources that encourage schools to visit the museum and support them in the delivery of a Curriculum for Excellence.  To hold this post at a time of museum redevelopment as well as curriculum reform is incredibly challenging but it is a challenge I relish!

The programme is being designed around the theme of ‘Exploring our Evidence’ as our collections are like evidence – they all have a story to tell! A major part of the programme will be the creation of a series of new handling resources based around our Natural Sciences and World Cultures galleries. I’m also starting to develop some inspiring new partnerships with external organisations to help bring the collections to life

The design of the schools programme has recently begun to move forward in earnest following an excellent consultation with the Royal Museum Project Education Panel. I’m also hoping to develop a pupils’ panel as who better to advise on our resources that the teachers and pupils who are going to use them?

Pupils visiting the National Museum of Scotland
Pupils visiting the National Museum of Scotland.

The great thing about my role is that I get the opportunity to work with so many interesting colleagues from across the museum. I’ve learnt so much simply chatting to curators about their galleries that I think it will be impossible for pupils not to be inspired by the new museum.

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