- artefacts
- bugs!!!
- coffee, conversations, computers, chocolate
- department meetings, disposals, DATABASES
- early, like I was every morning!
- future job ideas
- good working environment
- inside view on how the museum works
- JOKES… lots of them!
- Knights… suit of armour in Granton stores
- loans, lighthouses, larva
- motorcars, moths, MILLIONS of objects
- overall a good experience
- photography, ploughs
- questions
- restoring, reading, researching
- stores, spreadsheets, Starbucks… aah
- terminology… time to go home!
- ugly man costume… unusual
- very different from school
- work experience week
- X.FC 8 ( Hunterston brooch )
- yawn (on my way home from a day’s work)
- zoology (stuffed elephant)
To sum up my week I’ve had a fantastic experience and I have learnt so much over the small period of time I spent with Collections Management. Everyone has been extremely welcoming and lovely to work with. I have many favourite parts of the week but the bit I enjoyed the most has to be my day down at the National Collection Centre in Granton. I loved being able to see some of the artefacts in the stores and being able to take pictures of some of the objects. I appreciate all that National Museums Scotland has done for letting me take this work experience placement, thank you all so much!
You can find out more about work experience at National Museums Scotland here.