Good news for the National Fund for Acquisitions | National Museums Scotland Blog

Good news for the National Fund for Acquisitions

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The National Fund for Acquisitions (NFA) helps museums, galleries, libraries and archives throughout Scotland to make acquisitions for their collections. National Museums Scotland manages the Fund on behalf of the Scottish Government. Last month the NFA was 62 years old and in that time it has helped over 120 organisations across Scotland with more than 6,000 grants.

We recently received the excellent news from the Scottish Government that the annual grant of £150,000 was to be supplemented by an additional £75,000 for this financial year.

Below are some of the objects the NFA has helped to acquire this year. You can also learn more about the acquisitions that have been made by having a look at our blog and Flickr page.

Half-hull model of the clipper ship Thermopylae
Half-hull model of the clipper ship Thermopylae.

This Half-hull model of the clipper ship Thermopylae was recently acquired by Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museums. Meredith Greiling and Jason Finch, Curators of Maritime History, wrote a blog post to tell the story of Thermopylae and its acquisition.

Gouache on panel, ‘Buy a Fine Singing Bird’, by Alison McKenzie
Gouache on panel, ‘Buy a Fine Singing Bird’, by Alison McKenzie.

The St Andrews Preservation Trust acquired an oil painting by Winifred McKenzie (1905-2001) and two gouache panels from the ‘Cries of London’ series by her sister Alison McKenzie (1907-1982). Sam Bannerman, Curator, wrote a blog highlighting the St Andrews connection to these paintings.

If you are considering acquiring new objects for your collection, this is an ideal time to apply to the NFA. You can find more information on how to do this on our webpage. Here, you will also find our recently published Annual Report 2015. Feel free to get in touch if there are any acquisitions you would like to discuss.

I’ll leave you with more of this year’s acquisitions by museums in Scotland.

Museums can also apply to the NFA for assistance with Treasure Trove applications for their collection. This Roman griffin statuette was acquired by Falkirk Community Trust.

Roman griffin statuette © Treasure Trove Scotland
Roman griffin statuette © Treasure Trove Scotland.
Sunflower andirons by Thomas Jeckyll, purchased by the Hunterian, University of Glasgow © The Hunterian, University of Glasgow
Sunflower andirons by Thomas Jeckyll, purchased by the Hunterian, University of Glasgow © The Hunterian, University of Glasgow.
This Inverness Mod Brooch, made by W.D Taylor, 1910, was acquired by Inverness Museum & Art Gallery © Courtesy of Inverness Museum and Art Gallery
This Inverness Mod Brooch, made by W.D Taylor, 1910, was acquired by Inverness Museum & Art Gallery © Courtesy of Inverness Museum and Art Gallery.
Gold and Moss Agate Frog and Lily Pad Pendant, 1970s, by Norman Grant was acquired by Aberdeen Art Gallery Museums along with six other pieces © Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museums Collection
Gold and Moss Agate Frog and Lily Pad Pendant, 1970s, by Norman Grant was acquired by Aberdeen Art Gallery Museums along with six other pieces © Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museums Collection.

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